My Madame Curie Project (2015-2016)

The Flying Broom aims to develop alternative role models for girls at their choice of profession, other than stereotypical views. The Flying Broom has implemented this project to eliminate gender inequality which is one of the major obstacles for the development of democratic citizenships and human rights in Turkey. In education system, inequality is often reproduced via choice of profession; not in line with the talents and dreams of children, but in the direction of gender roles.

The “My Madam Curie” project draws attention to this fact and aims to provide public awareness and gender awareness, including not only boys and girls, but also parents and teachers involved in formal education institutions.

In Pursaklar, Ankara, animated movies about four scientists were shown to 4th grade students. The movies were about women Trukish citizens who have notable reputation in their professions: astrophysicist Dilhan Eryurt, pathologist Kamile Sevki Mutlu, chemist Remziye Hisar and political scientist Nermin Abadan Unat. We aimed at giving a new perspective to primary school girls which were from disadvantaged peripheral areas of the city, by introducing them with women who have struggled in work life just because they are women.
You may watch the related videos through the YouTube Channel of the project.

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