Fight Against Forced and Early Marriages Project (2018)

Trainings were given in Ankara and Gaziantep on “early and forced marriages”, which are among the obstacles in girls’ education. Since 2018, the most important part of the Flying Broom’s action plan is to help non-governmental organizations know about its provincial action plans and to carry out awareness increase efforts and organizational work in 81 provinces of Turkey. As a continuation of this action plan, follow-up activities will be carried out for six months.

“No to child brides” platform, which was decided to be established as a result of the call conference in 2012, led such a meeting. With nearly 60 representatives of organizations selected from pilot provinces, organizations that could have an active role in provincial action plans and who had works in this field were on our invitation list. Unfortunately, our observation recently is that some women’s organizations working in this field have been closed and the existing ones have also come to a passive point. Therefore, we once again felt the importance of the meeting and diversified the participation profile. The first question that comes to mind when we see this environment is: “What kind of studies have been done in the Academy in the last 4 years?”. Identification and research difficulties of academics made us think that we should work harder in this field.

You may view and/or download The Report of Workshop on Increase of Collaboration in the Fight Against Forced and Early Marriages in Turkish through the link.

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